Do you need to file or update a benefit claim? DAV’s core mission around the country is to provide direct, no-cost services to Veterans, most prominently through our National Service Program.
DAV has over 3,400 accredited benefits experts nationwide, all of whom are war-time service-connected disabled Veterans who have themselves navigated the VA benefits process. This includes our benefits experts stationed at VA Regional Offices across the country, as well as chapter and department service officers in your own communities, transition service officers located at military installations, and county Veteran service officers.
In 2021, DAV’s service program took over 2.1 million actions to advocate for Veterans and their families, such as representing claimants in hearings and appeals for benefits, reviewing and developing records, providing professional advice and responding to inquiries, and establishing new claims for earned benefits.
DAV is the only VSO that holds over 1.1 million powers of attorney to represent Veterans and their survivors. During 2021, DAV benefits experts interviewed over 290,000 Veterans and their families and filed over 151,000 new claims for nearly 423,000 specific injuries or illnesses. Thanks to the great work of DAV’s service officers, claimants represented by DAV obtained more than $25 billion in benefits.
If you would like to obtain complimentary assistance with your claim when you return home from Snowmass. Find the national service office nearest you by visiting